4. Teaching Practice

4. Teaching Practice

1.1 Procedures of your teaching
On my actual teaching, I used to follow by starting with preparatory activities which include the drill, review and motivation; then lesson proper which include presentation of the lesson, activities that include the group work, coming up with generalization and application, then evaluation will follow.
And I think the procedure that I conveyed greatly helped me and succeeded in the learning process. They understood the material that I conveyed and they were very active and enthusiastic in receiving the knowledge that I conveyed to them.

1.2 Time management and organizing activities
Every part of the lesson must be given an allotted time to accomplish the lesson within the given period for the said subject, and I plan out well especially the activities I employed integrated with games to be managed and grouping must be in a heterogenous groupings.
And in class 6 Rizal consisted of 40 students. So to make it easier to deliver the material and to sharpen their thoughts on the material presented, I divided them into groups and each group was given the task of solving the problem being discussed. And they in each group are very active in exchanging ideas with their group friends. And the game that I gave was by singing and doing movements according to the video that I delivered. So they don't feel bored during lessons.

1.3 Problem-solving
When they can't work on the problems that I gave them, I help them by stimulating the correct answers. So I invite them to think before getting the right answer, so that their brains are trained in solving problems that exist in their lives.
And when the class is very noisy, I handle it by giving them the games they like so they don't feel bored during learning, because I am aware that elementary school children their age are very active. So I as a teacher must have an accurate innovation to overcome all the problems in the class. So that learning takes place meaningfully and students get new knowledge that I teach and that knowledge can be implemented in real life.
And as long as I teach there is no such thing as a bad boy. They all learn very competitively and their sense of family is very close. And when there are students who are birthday on that day, all students and class teachers celebrate their birthdays. I really like that attitude because from the beginning I have been taught a sense of family that is very good for their lives.

1.4 Classroom management

To achieve a very harmonious classroom, I let my learners set their own standards with my guidance for them to follow for the whole duration of my teaching with them, especially on group works, and I used to place the boys at the front seat near to me to easily call their attention if they get to be very noisy or unruly.
And this method for me for classroom management was very successful, because during my observation in class 6 Rizal was striking and most active was male students even though there were more girls. But male students are more active and clever in solving problems that I give while girls tend to be inactive and timid in learning, but the way I do is girls can be active with the help of male students to stimulate and motivate them better .

1.5 My overall impression in teaching grade 6 Rizal

I am satisfied and happy with my experience of teaching in the Philippines, the whole school have made big impact on me as a future teacher, I learned many things needed on my teaching career, my supervising teacher shared their experiences and ideas especially on the field of teaching different learners. Learners are also very active and interactive in the class that made my lessons very easy and were able to achieve.


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